Life is an adventure: travel + food + life updates

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hilarious Signs Throughout SE Asia

I never laugh at my students at their English attempts. They laugh at me all the time when I try to say their names, but whatever. I do, however, crack up when I see some of the signs out here.
My favorite part of this restaurant was the signs. And the view.
The food was gross.

The no squatting signs always make me laugh.
This has to be intentional...right? Seen in Malaysia
Interesting depiction...
Good to know. Seen in Cambodia.
Great, so much for the stew I was planning to whip up.
No, no, the pleasure was mine.
Thanks for telling me how to flush.

I can't remember what the sign actually says,
it's not what it looks like, but from that angle HA!
UGH, they won't let us do ANYTHING here!
Caution old people crossing?
I'm sure I'll have more material for a follow up post to this one in the near future. ;-)

Goodnight Vietnam, Good Morning Portland!


  1. the food was gross?!?! Really! I would think everything over there would be really good! And those signs are crazy! hahaha

  2. I think this comment was intended for the post before it, I think I scrolled too far down.

    These were really funny, esp. the one that says stuff you can't do. WHY BOTHER GOING IN.
